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Online casino: What are the best payment methods?

If you want to start gambling in an online casino, you might hesitate because you do not know enough about the business. If you put a bit of effort in research, you soon know that you should start in an online casino with a license. However, another thing you should pay attention to are the payment method a casino is offering. The following article will explain what different types of payment methods exist and why it is important.

Credit cards

The most common payment method is credit cards. Those can be for example Visa or Mastercard and are usually popular because of safe but quick transactions of money. No fees are charged for the payment with credit cards and some casinos even want you to pay by credit cards and offer you bonuses when you choose this payment method. If you already have a credit card, you will not have any problem finding the right online casino for you, since most of the casinos offer credit cards as a payment method.


Another option is sometimes to use the normal card you get from your bank. This is also a safe and easy way, but online payments usually have to be unlocked first by the bank. Therefore, it might be that you have to talk to your bank first, before you can use your bankcard for payment. If you do not have a credit card or an account at a payment service, you should look out for casinos offering this payment method. However, not all the online casinos are offering it, because the payment has higher fees.


Casinos that accept PayPal are not as frequent as other payment methods. Even though PayPal is a popular online payment service and a lot of people already have accounts at it, PayPal did not cooperate with online casinos for a while because of safety concerns. Now, this business policy has changed, and more and more casinos are offering PayPal as a payment method. However, you can be quite certain that the casino is okay if you are allowed to pay with PayPal. Many PayPal Casino UK are open by now.


Another option, and the most secure one probably, is PaySafeCard. For this neither a bank account, credit card nor an account at an online payment service is required. Only a little walk to the next retailer: You can buy the card with different amounts of money like a prepaid- or voucher-card. They are especially designed to pay in an online casino and no fees, or such are awaiting you when you pay. On top of that, the payment is anonymous and therefore this payment method is very popular for both casino owners and customers.

More the merrier

Those four payment methods are just the most popular ones. Several others exist and the options vary from casino to casino. However, it can be stated that the more payment methods a casino offers, the better. It just shows that the casino is interested in safe and accessible payment for all of its customers.

Do you remember those times when credit card and bank transfers were the only payment methods in online gambling? Those days are gone

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