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Adult Topics To Communicate With Your Child: 10 Tips For Things To Go Smoothly

Adult Topics To Communicate With Your Child: 10 Tips For Things To Go Smoothly

Do you have children? This means that occasionally you receive questions that may discourage you. However, you shouldn’t avoid such conversations! If you put them off until later, the child will get the information on his/herself. However, it is difficult to predict its nature. The simplest example is questions on where children come from. You can talk about love, acceptance, and family values. Or you can delay the conversation, and your child will receive perverted information that is not age-appropriate.

Moreover, as the child gets older, parents should initiate some awkward conversations themselves! You’ve probably talked to your children about the dangers of cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. Have you discussed the gambling risks with them? Studies in different countries indicate that 70% – 90% of children played for money. In 1998, 19% of teenagers in Oregon experienced casino gambling. Currently, with the industry growth, their number has certainly increased. Are you afraid but don’t know where to start? Discuss responsible gambling and fighting addiction among minors with Gamblorium experts!

Awkward Conversations: How to Maintain The Child’s Trust?

So, it is important to maintain a trusting relationship with your children! After all, the more taboo a topic is in a family, the more questions and morbid curiosity they have. Thus, use tips to support any difficult topic with the child correctly.

  • If your child asks you a question, answer it. If we don’t respond, then we are transmitting a message to him/her that this is something bad. If you don’t have an answer now – explain to your child that now is not the right time. But you will definitely talk to him/her at another time. There is a big difference between “he/she will tell me about it later” and “he/she doesn’t want to talk about it”!
  • Tell your child the truth. However, any truth must be tailored to his/her age. Trust is not unconditional and not infinite, and it must be taken care of in advance! Once children catch us in a lie, they will stop questioning or trusting our competence.
  • Always show respect towards your kid! Even if you think the question is humorous, don’t make fun of your child.
  • Before telling anything, find out what your child already knows. It’s enough just to clarify – what have you already heard about this topic? This way you can easily adjust your future answer.
  • Make sure your kid understands your explanation and that you answered his/her question.
  • Keep communication open. Emphasize that he/she can always contact you with any question.
  • Use clear, simple language and a direct message. If your child wants to know more, he/she will definitely ask you.
  • All things have their own names, use them! However, it’s okay if you sometimes replace real names with cutesy euphemisms.
  • Try to keep your answers objective. They must convey, first of all, respect – for people, for family, for elders, etc.
  • Don’t tell your kid everything at once. As he/she grows, you will discuss the same topic many times, but from different angles.

Remember that temperate (healthy) humor is always a good policy. Your child will listen better and understand more if you speak easily and naturally. Try to be relaxed.

Do You Have No Answer?

First, calm down! If you don’t know the answer (or don’t know how to explain it), just admit it. This is a great example for your child that will show him/her that not knowing something is not scary. All information can be found and explained when the time is right. You can praise your child for asking these questions and they are so good that they deserve a detailed answer. Therefore, you will have to look for information and prepare to explain everything well to him/her a little later.

When the agreed moment arrives, start with phrases like – do you remember what you asked me this morning? It is quite possible that curiosity has already passed and the child’s interest has now switched to something else. However, it is imperative to ask so that he/she understands that his/her questions are important to you and that the topic is quite suitable for discussion.

Better Take The Initiative…

Children need guidance from adults about the problems they may face in the modern world. These are sexual relationships, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, gambling, bullying, etc. – this list seems to be endless. Difficult topics may make parents fearful, prejudiced, or uncomfortable. But it is necessary to talk about them!

No matter how old your child is, you can begin to address difficult issues immediately by becoming a good listener. Cultivate your child’s trust by encouraging sincerity and honesty. Besides, the child’s age is not as important as his/her environment at school and his/her level of consumption of information content. For example, if he/she watches movies that depict drugs or casinos, then it’s definitely time to bring up the matter in a family conversation.

During the conversation, ask questions and listen very carefully to the answers. Besides, do not rush to conclusions or blame the child for anything. For example, explain the difference between top Gamblorium games in which the outcome depends on the player’s knowledge and skills and those in which one can rely only on chance. But also make it clear that, in both cases, it is possible to get too carried away. Moreover, children should know about Internet cheating, including scam casinos or betting sites. Nodar Giorgadze says there are no 100% winning systems for casino games, and one should treat gambling as just entertainment.

Parents must be the first people to raise awkward topics! Kind parental guidance and confidential discussion are critical to children. This also helps to strengthen open and constant communication within the family. The child must be sure that whatever the situation, he/she will feel the support of his/her mom or dad.

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